What we're about & where we help

We have learned through our life experiences that LAUGHTER CURES EVERYTHING! I mean, not scientifically.  Don't go chucking away those meds, but it definitely goes a long way in helping us feel a whole lot better. 

Through our combined business experiences, we realised that there are so many companies out there that really want to do good; everyone wants that feel good factor, to feel like their giving back, that we're all making a difference in the world.  But in a time when we're all "ON", 24/7, busy being busy and talking about being busy, we forget about the people and causes out there who could do with a little help! 

  • We plan and run a comedy event with your business nominating your charity sponsor.. NOW YOUR TALKING!
  • We provide the killer comedy line up and awesome venue... HELLO GORGEOUS!
  • We work with you to promote your important cause.. TOO EASY
  • AND integrate a few creative and fun ways to boost the fund raising on the night.. SHOW ME THE MONEY
  • All you have to do is get your crew together and show up on the night with your laughter at the ready... SIGN ME UP!!

Meet the Team

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